Atari Chips |
In each model, there is
There is also graphics output consisting of
Antic and GTIA processors.
For sound output, the Pokey processor is used.
PIA takes care of joystick ports.
FREDDIE are for memory management.
system and Basic are stored in ROMs.
other stuff is described here.
System boards and
their layout is given here.
65XEM prototypes contain AMY chip for super-sound.
Following is the list of all the released models in 8bit line. If you want to help me make this list complete, open your computer and report me:
cpu board CO143-60 REV D mem board CO14700 REV F (3x) pers board CO12989 REV E main board CO14175 power board CO14176 REV B antic CO12296D gtia CO14805 cpu CO14377 (6502) os roms CO12399B, CO12499B, CO14599B pokey CO12294 pia CO14795 (R6520)
board CO25925-001 Rev-R3 cpu CO14806 antic CO21698 gtia CO14889 pia CO14795 pokey CO12294B freddie CO61991 (socketed) os CO61598B basic CO24947A mmu CO61618 crystal 14.187516 crystal CO16801Curt Vendel's 800XL, SECAM 'Rose'
board CA024969-001 800XL -Secam ROSE Rev R3 GX-211 4784 8-84 cpu CO14806-12 (U8 - Rockwell 1151-12 0648 8333) antic CO21698-01 (U7 - AMI 8443MAO) gtia CO20120-01 (U20 - AMI 8430LG) pia CO14795-12 (Rockwell R6520 8340) pokey CO12294-19 (U22 - 8323) freddie CO61922 (U6 - Citel 8348) os CO61598B-29 (NCR23128-30 8442) basic CO24947A-29 (NCR2364-30 8442)My second 800 XL, NTSC.
board CO61851 REV C 800XL CA061854 cpu CO14806 antic CO21697 gtia CO14805 pia CO14795 (R6520) pokey CO12294B os CO61598B basic CO60302A (rev B) delay line CO60472 mmu CO61618 crystal CO61090 modulator UM1652 (channel 2/3 switch input)other 800 XL, PAL.
board CO61851 REV D 800XL CA024804 REV D 8446 cpu CO14806C-29 NCR 8412 antic CO21698-01 AMI 8444 gtia CO14889-01 AMI 8445 pia CO14795 (R6520-26) 8327 pokey CO12294-22 OKI os CO61598B-29 8443 basic CO24947A-29 8442 (REV C) delay line CO60472-D 8434 mmu CO61618 DMPAL16L8NC 8436 crystal CO16801 crystal CO16112 ram 8x MT4264-15
board CO70067 REV C cpu CO14806 antic CO21698 gtia CO14889 (8503MED) pia CO14795 pokey CO12294B freddie CO61922 os CO61598B basic CO24947A mmu CO61618 emmu CO25953 crystal CO70034 crystal CO16801
board CO70067 REV C cpu CO14806 antic CO21698 gtia CO14889 (8734MEO) pia CO14795 pokey CO12294B freddie CO61991 os CO61598B basic CO24947A mmu CO61618 emmu CO25953 crystal CO70034 crystal CO16801Erhard's 130XE, PAL
Same as above, except for: board CO70067 REV BMy 130XE, NTSC
board CO70067 REV B cpu CO14806C antic CO21697 gtia CO14805 (8319BEA) pia CO14795 pokey CO12294B freddie CO61991 os CO61598B basic CO24947A mmu CO61618 emmu CO25953 crystal ? 14318.18 kHz modulator MDG-VA2305 (Mitsumi) with 2-3 channel switchLee Barnes's 130XE, NTSC
Same as above, except for: board C103579-001 Rev1 has 4x32kb memory chips (MT4067-12) antic CO21697 gtia CO14805 (8328mqz) os C300717 crystal CO70032XI's 130XE, PAL
board C103579-001 Rev1 has 4x32kb memory chips (originally) cpu CO14806 antic CO21698 gtia CO14889 (8927) pia hitachi HD6821 pokey ? (replaced) freddie CO61991 os ? (replaced) basic CO24947A mmu CO61618 emmu ? (replaced) crystal CO70034 crystal CO16801
board C100417 REV.A cpu CO14806C antic CO21698 gtia CO14889 pia CO14795 pokey CO12294B freddie CO61991 os C101687 mmu C101686 crystal C070035 crystal C016801 modulator C100186, no switch