7800 Chips |
There is 6502C cpu inside, running on 1.79 MHz
most of the time.
Because 7800 is hybrid machine, it has two main chips:
Maria (7800 mode) and old 2600's
TIA (2600 mode). These two are responsible for graphics output, TIA also for
For additional 128bytes of RAM, input/output ports and timers, there's
RIOT chip.
system is stored in ROMs.
other stuff is described here.
System boards and
their layout is given here.
Following is the list of the released models of 7800. If you want to help me make this list complete, open your console and report me:
board C025233-001 REV A 8427 cpu C014806C-29 8405 maria C024674-30 tia C010444D-01 C04075 8415 riot C010750-03 8415 os C024922B-29 8422 ram MCM61L16P15 8351 crystal C024912 modulator C398012-001Mitch's newer 7800, NTSC
board C025233-002 REV B CA025234 8832 cpu C014806-35 maria C025349-001 tia C010444-31 riot UM6532 8838 os C024922B-29 8835 ram UM6116-2 8839 (2x) crystal C024912-002 modulator C024629Mitch's 7800, french PAL
board C300633-001 REV C, 9134 cpu UMC UM6502I, 9136 maria C025718-30, 9125 tia C398052-001 riot UMC UM6532, 9134 os C300558-001 ram board C300452 REV C, 9133 ram HM6168HP-70, 8522/8513, 2x crystal 4.433618 crystal 14.187576 rgb board C301645-001 REV B, V7021 chip, 4.4333618 crystalMy 7800, civilized PAL
board C300633-001 REV C, 9134 cpu UMC UM6502I, 9137 maria C025718-30, 9134 tia C398052-001 riot UMC UM6532, 9135 os C300558-001B ram board C300452 REV B, 8832 ram STC 2168, 8520, 2x crystal 4.433618 crystal 14.187576 modulator C398012-001